“The legal nurse consultant is a medical insider who knows the inner workings of our complicated healthcare system firsthand. As a professional, the role of the legal nurse consultant is to educate attorney-clients about the medical aspects of their cases. Their expertise as RNs and legal nurse consultants qualifies them to provide the 33 services listed below.”
#medicalrecords #medications #medicationsafety #patientsafety #insiderinfo #savetimeandmoney #policiesandprocedure #makeorbreakthecase #casethroughput #attorney #attorneylife #lawfirm #lawyer #lawyerlife #lawyers #lawfirm #legal #legalhelp #legalservices #litigationsupport #regulations #standardofcare #interpretation #implementation #systemnavigator #advocate #withdrawalmanagement #ASAMcriteria #OpioidUseDisorders #NIDAscience #nurses #nurse #nurselife #nursing #covid #healthcare #medical #rn #nursingschool #hospital #doctor #medicine #nursingstudent #registerednurse #nursepractitioner #health #coronavirus #nurseproblems #nursestudent #rnlife #nurseconsultant #mentalhealthnurse #legalnurse #consultant #legalnurseconsultant #certified #credentialed
Read more here: https://www.legalnurse.com/what-is-a-legal-nurse-consultant/types-of-legal-services