
Active Achievers Accelerate Aspirations

♊Me to Google Gemini- 

🔎Review my documents and find examples of what I have written that supports this quote: “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow,” by Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia). 👑

🧠Google Gemini replied-

Theresa, I looked through your documents and found several instances where you’ve written about the importance of taking action, even in the face of fear or uncertainty. These statements support the quote “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow”:

  • In “Transformation of Nursing Leadership In a Recovery Oriented System of Care”, you discuss the challenge of implementing change in healthcare, particularly the shift towards a recovery-oriented system. You emphasize that despite the fear and uncertainty that often accompany such transformations, it’s crucial for nursing and healthcare leaders to take action and move forward. You highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing the “fear of the unknown” and finding ways to minimize resistance to change.

  • In “Implementation Plan for Transformation Initiative,” you outline specific strategies and action plans to facilitate a systemic transformation initiative. You set target completion dates and assign responsibilities to individuals, demonstrating a focus on taking concrete steps towards achieving the desired goals.

These examples show that you understand the importance of taking action, even when confidence may be lacking. You recognize that action itself can lead to increased confidence and progress.