
Bandage Burnout, Build Brilliance: Be the Best Boss for Yourself

On this Motivational Monday, I referenced myself for inspiration and searched “motivation” in my old MSN docs:

Motivation is the power within a person that drives their conduct (Marquis & Huston, 2009). Nurses are motivated by attitudes and actions that progress toward what they feel will fulfill their purpose and satisfy their requirements. These needs are commonly illustrated and discussed using a theory developed by Abraham H. Maslow entitled, “Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. It is a 5 level system beginning with fundamental physiological needs such as food and shelter and progressing up to psychological needs such a realizing one’s greatest potential” (Dunn, 2010).

Nursing leaders must recognize that individuals each are influenced by unique motivating factors and find meaningfulness in different values and accomplishments. Once the leader is familiar with his or her employees, he or she must then develop incentives and positively reinforcing systems that appropriately address those characteristics (Marquis & Huston, 2009). It is also imperative that the nursing leader be a model and a mentor in showing passion to accomplish tasks and to reach goals. Motivation occurs when an environment exists that not only acknowledges different levels or aspects of potential, but provides ways for the nurse to reach his or her full potential. 

Twelve years later, I propose that nurse entrepreneurs are a unique breed, fueled by more than just profit margins and quarterly reports. 

Our motivation springs from a deeper well, anchored in the very values we hold dear as caregivers. It’s the spark of seeing unmet needs in patients’ and clients’ lives and the burning desire to fill those gaps with innovative solutions. They dream of accessible healthcare, empowered communities, and holistic wellness.

Every step forward, from overcoming funding hurdles to navigating legalities, is fueled by the vision of a healthier and happier tomorrow. They chase not just financial success, but the impact their ventures can have on lives, the echoes of grateful smiles and improved outcomes resonating louder than any boardroom applause. Their drive is a blend of compassion and calculated action, the gentle touch of a nurse combined with the steely resolve of an entrepreneur, forging a path where business acumen blossoms into genuine service. 

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For us nurse entrepreneurs, true success isn’t measured in zeros and ones, but in the positive ripple effects their ventures create, a testament to the power of honoring our values and goals in every entrepreneurial step they take.