This is EXCITING stuff!
Kenneth Minkoff.
William White.
These are a few of my favorite things. 🎁 🌹 👩⚕️
“Throughout its 10-year lifespan (roughly 1998 – 2007) the BHRM steering committee led change in the area of co-occurring SUD and MH disorders by taking responsibility for initial clinical fidelity at the clinician, program and organizational levels based on the guideline, related protocols and consultation by some of the authors, ongoing clinical supervision and sustainability of fidelity in those practices, continuous quality improvement of service delivery, and a focus on change management integrating those clinical practices with BHRM principles and NIATx change methods in the dozens of programs across the organization.”
#recoveryispossible #standardsofcare #regulations #continuouslearning #addictiontreatment #whattoexpect #mentalhealthnurse #expertwitness #healthcareadministration #nurseconsultant #legalnurseconsultant #legalnurse #healthcareconsulting #opioidcrisis #overdoseprevention #violenceprevention #communityhealth #watchthisspace #datadrivenhealthcare #data #project #mentalhealthishealth #currentevents #nursesonlinkedin #protocols #policiesandprocedures #behavioralhealthcare
The Behavioral Health Recovery Management (BHRM) Project: Overview and Practice Guidelines