
Exhaulting the Extraordinary in the Everyday: How Pictures Became a Path to Positivity

“Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” – Marc Riboud


My work as a legal nurse consultant has reinforced in me a keen eye for detail, a trait that surprisingly translates well to my photography habit. You might say I’m known for the sheer volume of pictures I take. While it might seem excessive at times, there’s an unexpected benefit to my trigger-happy ways: it’s become a gateway to focusing on the positive in everyday life.



It all started with a simple desire to capture moments. But somewhere along the line, clicking that shutter button transformed from documenting experiences to actively seeking out the beauty and wonder in the ordinary. That perfectly bloomed wildflower pushing through a crack in the sidewalk? Click. The way the sunlight dances on a cup of coffee after a long deposition? Click. The goofy yawn of my cat? Click.

These pictures aren’t just digital memories; they’re constant reminders of the small joys that often go unnoticed. By taking the time to frame a shot, I’m forced to pause and appreciate the little things – a ladybug crawling on a leaf during a travel layover, the intricate patterns of a spiderweb in a courthouse hallway, the vibrant colors of a sunset after a particularly challenging case.

“I’ve always believed that photography is a way to shape human perception.” – James Balog





This newfound habit of gratitude extends far beyond my photo library. It’s seeped into my daily routine, making me more mindful of the positive aspects of even the most mundane tasks. The satisfaction of a completed project report, the warmth of a cup of tea on a chilly morning, the laughter shared with a loved one after a long day of travel – these experiences, once easily overlooked, now hold a new significance.

As I’m pausing to snap pictures of seemingly ordinary things, I’m not just capturing a moment, I’m cultivating a positive mindset, one click at a time. 


Focusing on the positive isn’t about ignoring challenges or pretending life is always sunshine and rainbows. It’s about acknowledging the good alongside the bad, and recognizing that even the smallest moments of beauty and joy can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. As I’m pausing to snap pictures of seemingly ordinary things, I’m not just capturing a moment, I’m cultivating a positive mindset, one click at a time.


“The earth is art, the photographer is only a witness.” – Yann Arthus-Bertrand