
Liberty and Justice for All.

“Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.” – Kahlil Gibran

42 CFR § 482.13(e) states:
All patients have the right to be free from physical or mental abuse, and corporal punishment. All patients have the right to be free from restraint or seclusion, of any form, imposed as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by staff.

Restraint or seclusion may only be imposed to ensure the immediate physical safety of the patient, a staff member, or others and must be discontinued at the earliest possible time.

In addition to #suicidality, two of the most potentially dangerous situations -physically and emotionally- for patients receiving behavioral medicine and addiction recovery services are the use of mechanical restraints as well as unanticipated discharges, e.g. #AMA/ Administrative Discharges.

Partnering with patients and their families to facilitate thorough, patient-centered #assessments, then formulate proper diagnoses which contribute to comprehensive, strengths-based, individualized treatment plans to address complex, and often trauma-influenced emotional conditions, can often help mitigate these #unsafe #outcomes.

Need help developing therapeutic #policies and protocols or analyzing and auditing medical records?

#patientsafety #employment #diagnosis #goalsetting #patientsfirst #consultant #consulting #unsafe #patientsafetyawarenessweek #medical #help #planning #trauma #email #medicine #mechanical #behavioralhealth #behavioralmedicine #mentalhealthprofessionals #healthcareleadership #policiesandprocedures #mitigation #litigation #litigationsupport #attorneys #lawyers #malpractice #treatmentplanning #legalnurseconsultant #healthcareadministration #evidencebasedpractice #personalinjury #personcenteredcare #recoveryorientedcare #strengthsbased #familysupport #medicallaw #consulting #diagnoses #protocols #documentation #outcomes  #behaviormanagement #psychiatric #traumainformedcare #errors #medicaleducation #psychiatry #expertise #experience #communityhealth #expertwitness #perspective #peoplehelpingpeople #safety #physicalabuse #mentalabuse #psychiatrictreatment #behavioralmedicine #addiction #addictiontreatment #policy #harmreduction #medications #medicationsafety #patientsafety #policiesandprocedure #interpretation #implementation #restraintreduction #regulatory #utilizationmanagement #accreditation #processes #evidencebasedpractices #againstmedicaladvice #administrativedischarges #regulations #treatmentplanning #planofcorrection #makeorbreakthecase #advocacy #attorney #medicalmalpractice #negligence #wrongfuldeath #healthcare #litigationsupport #socialdeterminantsofhealth #equity #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #covid #isolation #respect #healthcarereform #mentalhealthishealth #suicideprevention #healthcaresystem #publichealth #accesstojustice #accesstocare #standardofcare #regulations #violenceprevention
#mentalhealthnurse #legalnurse #consultant #certified #credentialed