Legal Nurse & Behavioral Health Consulting

We are committed to helping our clients achieve goals and improve lives

We believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
We are committed to helping our clients achieve goals and improve lives.

Our Services

Legal Nurse Consulting

Our team of experienced legal nurse consultants will skillfully review, organize, and interpret your medical records, identify potential defendants, and develop a case theme and strategies moving into trial. 

Healthcare Consulting

We review practices and advise regarding healthy leadership and supervision of direct service staff, including motivating and consistent evaluation of employee performance. 

Academic Assistance

Healthcare academics assistance, e.g., healthcare studies, writing, editing, etc.

Patient Advocacy

Patient advocacy in navigating the behavioral healthcare system fostering efficient, safe and ethical nursing and health care practice.

Individual Mental Health Advice

Individualized mental health advice and coping skills development support.

Patient Advocacy

Patient advocacy in navigating the behavioral healthcare system fostering efficient, safe and ethical nursing and health care practice.

Individual Mental Health Advice

Individualized mental health advice and coping skills development support.

"Theresa blazes a trail for aspiring and practicing Legal Nurses everywhere! Her insights into the value, practice, and utilization of the LNC are second to none. The work she is doing is of great value and brings significant benefits to her clients and to the community as a whole. As an expert in behavioral health, Theresa brings a unique and impactful viewpoint to her legal and advocacy work."

Drass & Associates

Drass and Associates is a legal nurse and behavioral health consultant company that is committed to providing excellent, skilled and knowledgeable support to our clients. We are dedicated to helping our clients achieve successful outcomes – whether it be in providing medical-litigation assistance, clinical operations support or in achieving their personal improvement goals.

Expert Services

Composition of Comprehensive Reports

We individualize our comprehensive reports to the needs and complexity of your case and budget. Our reports include chronological timelines, medical chart organization, clinical event summaries, and recommendations.

Case Development

We define industry regulations with standards of care and identify deviations and adherences to them. We also identify potential defendants and experts that are most beneficial to your case.

Medical Research

We have access to medical and nursing databases, professional associations, texts, and regulatory standards. We can find the most relevant research and provide you with the education and data needed to support your case.

Defense or Independent Medical Exam Attendance

One of our nurses will attend your clients’ defense or independent medical exam as a legal observer. We are experts in taking and assessing histories and physical exams, so our presence will encourage examiners to maintain their integrity.

Theresa Drass

Certified Legal Nurse and Behavioral Healthcare Consultant

Throughout my career, my fundamental aptitude, knowledge base, skill set, and clinical specialty has been comprehensive behavioral health treatment. I have functioned as an administrator in an acute hospital setting for over twenty years.

I have Masters’ degrees in both Human Services and in Nursing; my MSN specialty is Nursing Management and Organizational Leadership.

I have been licensed as a Professional Registered Nurse in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1995.

As my career progressed, I obtained certification by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as both a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse (PMH-BC) and a Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC).

I am certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors as a National Certified Counselor (NCC).

I achieved recognition by the Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Institute as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC) in July 2022.

"I have known Theresa both personally and professionally and can whole-heartedly endorse her. Theresa is a consumate professional with a deep sense of purpose and personal commitment to the field of nursing and behavioral health. She is a dogged advocate in this area, having been awarded for her work and dedication. Her drive for personal enlightenment and continuous education is quite inspiring to me personally. I can't think of an area within her field where she wouldn't add tremendous value."

Meet the Team


Exhaulting the Extraordinary in the Everyday: How Pictures Became a Path to Positivity

Exhaulting the Extraordinary in the Everyday: How Pictures Became a Path to Positivity

Focusing on the positive isn’t about ignoring challenges or pretending life is always sunshine and rainbows. It’s about acknowledging the good alongside the bad, and recognizing that even the smallest moments of beauty and joy can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. As I’m pausing to snap pictures of seemingly ordinary things, I’m not just capturing a moment, I’m cultivating a positive mindset, one click at a time.

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Hearts & Habitats: How Healing the Earth Heals You!

Hearts & Habitats: How Healing the Earth Heals You!

Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that are less than five millimeters in size. They have been found in many parts of the human body, including the placenta, blood, heart, liver, bowels, lungs, stomach, feces, and breast milk. A study of over 200 people found that nearly 60% had microplastics in a main artery, and those people were 4.5 times more likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or die within 34 months than those without microplastics.

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(484) 461-4817