
Select Virtuous Personnel

🤔 SVP: So Very Perceptive. Such Valuable Perspective.  Sports Vest Properly.  Scribes Viable Policies.  Seeks Vision Purposefully. 💭 ⁉

❄️🧙‍♂️Holiday magic surely is happening on this Motivational Monday! 🗓

🌠 The circumstances around Orlando’s availability, arrival, and announcement of being appointed Senior Vice President is nothing short of wondrous. The alignment of our goals, skills, and characteristics is amazing. 🎉🤝

✈️ The journey we’ve been on since meeting is truly one of the most inspiring ever. In and of itself thus far, it is an accomplishment of great proportion. 💪🤯

💡Orlando’s leadership has already, and will surely continue to mean major progress for Drass and Associates and our clients.

We all have goals, dreams, aspirations flitting around in our minds. But turning those wispy wishes into reality can feel daunting, especially when facing them alone. That’s where the magic of connection matters.

Surrounding ourselves with others who share our values and ambitions not only fuels our motivation but also creates a powerful force for accountability, propelling us towards success.

“Our integrity is above reproach.” – Scott Hoxie