
Webinar: The Importance of Policy Development and Treatment Planning in Meeting the Standard of Care for Preventing the Use of Restraints in Psychiatric Facilities

On behalf of Ginger Jirik and Theresa Drass —thank you for taking the time to listen to the “The Importance of Policy Development and Treatment Planning in Meeting the Standard of Care for Preventing the Use of Restraints in Psychiatric Facilities” on Valentine’s Day. We hope that you enjoyed it and if you missed it – well, you are in luck!!

Drass & Associates | Theresa Drass | Legal Nurse & Behavioral Health Consulting | Individual Mental Health Advice

Here is a copy of the webinar recording on the Connectionology YouTube channel – CLICK HERE. Be sure to subscribe and share with your colleagues.

You are welcome to ask for a copy of the slides and follow-up with any comments or questions that you have.


A Few Notes:

  • Big thanks to our great partners at HMR, Fox-AE and OnPoint Legal Nurse Consulting! Please contact Laura, Cody and Patrick if you have any questions for them. Attached is a zip file with a detailed brochure of each company.
  • Congrats to Sandy Van, Esq. with Van Law in Las Vegas, NV for winning HMR’s special coffee giveaway!
  • Visit: to stay up to date on new webinars and seminars.

Thanks again for your support and for always sharing our free webinars with your colleagues.