
Winning with “Work Together Wednesday” Wisdom

Yesterday (Tuesday), I received my certificate from my verbal and physical de-escalation training, recertified my Nurse Executive, Advanced (NEA-BC) Certification, participated in a business development webinar with my National Alliance of Certified Legal Nurse Consultants (NACLNC) colleagues, collaborated with a fellow CLNC in regard to presenting, and renewed my American Nurses Association (ANA) membership.

I also prepared for today, “Work Together Wednesday”. For the last ten months, since the birth of our Nora, each Wednesday my daughter and I have celebrated “Work Together Wednesday.” 

We both work from home – together- with Nora.

I often write from the perspective of Nora’s GiGi (and Rachael’s mom) about what a blessing this joint effort is as well as the hindsight perspective (and some regret) I have now about work-life balance throughout my career. 

This morning I thought, it’s Work Together Wednesday, and what better way to celebrate than by reflecting on the importance of community, collaboration, and, of course, work-life balance in our unique, collective professional journeys, too?

The Entrepreneurial Nurse: A Balancing Act

As nurses, we’re no strangers to juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. We prioritize patient care, navigate demanding schedules, and constantly strive for professional development. Add to that the challenges of building a business from the ground up, and it’s no wonder work-life balance can feel like a distant dream.

But here’s the thing: we don’t have to go it alone!

The Power of Community and Collaboration

Building a strong support network is essential for any entrepreneur, and it’s even more crucial for those of us in the healthcare field. Work Together Wednesdays serve as a gentle reminder that collaboration is not just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for:

  • Sharing knowledge and resources: From marketing tips to legal advice, nurses have a wealth of experience to offer one another.
  • Boosting accountability and motivation: Working alongside colleagues can help us stay on track and push through challenges.
  • Combating isolation and burnout: Feeling part of a supportive community can make a world of difference in our mental and emotional well-being.

(Reviewing physical de-escalation techniques uniquely and definitely demonstrates the necessity and efficacy of collaborative health care teams!)

As nurse consultants, we juggle more than just records, standards, and charts. We navigate a dynamic healthcare landscape where knowledge is constantly developing with the latest breakthroughs and best practices. To effectively serve our clients and patients, staying current isn’t just a recommendation, it’s a Work Together Wednesday Goal.

We gather – not just physically, but through professional organizations, webinars, and even social media comment conversations – to collectively hone our skills. We delve into the latest research, share insights on emerging trends, and hold each other accountable to mastering our chosen fields. It’s not just about staying informed, it’s about empowering collective growth.

Remember, certification isn’t just a paper trophy, it’s a badge of dedication, a testament to our unwavering commitment to lifelong learning. Earning a recognized certification isn’t just about personal gain, it elevates the entire nursing profession, building trust with clients and opening doors to new opportunities for everyone.

The ASAM Criteria 4th Edition

Professional development isn’t just a to-do list, it’s the lifeblood of a successful nurse consultant. By actively engaging with our Work Together Wednesday communities, we embrace continuous learning, refine our expertise, and ensure we deliver the highest quality care and consultation services. In this ever-changing healthcare world, our commitment to growth isn’t just a choice, it’s our shared responsibility.

Organizations like the ANA, APNA, and NACLNC become our lighthouses, guiding us through the sea of knowledge. They offer a wealth of resources, from virtual connections to conferences to online courses, keeping us informed about groundbreaking research and ensuring our advice is rooted in the latest evidence.

More importantly, these communities foster collaboration and accountability. Within them, we find mentors, peers, and colleagues who share our passion for excellence. We bounce ideas off each other, refine our skills through shared learning, and hold ourselves accountable to the highest professional standards. This synergy of support and challenge fuels innovation and propels us all forward.

Making Work Together Wednesdays Work for You

  • Join online communities or forums: There are countless online groups specifically for nurse entrepreneurs. These platforms offer a safe space to connect, share experiences, and ask for help.
  • Organize meetups or co-working sessions: Get together with fellow nursepreneurs in your area for coffee, coworking, or even virtual brainstorming sessions.
  • Participate in webinars or workshops: Many organizations offer educational events specifically tailored to the needs of nurse entrepreneurs.
  • Mentor or be mentored: Sharing your knowledge and experience with others can be incredibly rewarding, and it can also help you learn and grow in your own business.

Additional Tips for Work-Life Balance

  • Set boundaries: It’s important to establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life. This means saying no to extra tasks when you’re already overloaded, scheduling time for rest and relaxation, and communicating your limits to others.
  • Delegate and outsource: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Delegate tasks to others whenever possible, and consider outsourcing tasks that fall outside your area of expertise.
  • Take care of yourself: Make sure you’re prioritizing your physical and mental health. This means eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and managing stress effectively.
  • Celebrate your successes: Don’t forget to take some time to celebrate your achievements, big and small. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward.

Ultimately, by embracing the power of Work Together Wednesdays, we cultivate a collaborative mindset and thriving community -and ecosystem- of nurse-led businesses that make a positive impact on the world. This isn’t just about individual advancement, it’s about collective progress, paving the way for a brighter future for the entire nursing profession.